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Workers’ Compensation Board review panel wants to hear from Albertans

June 6, 2016 | By Renée Francoeur

June 6, 2016 – Albertans are invited to share their opinions and experiences with the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) review panel from today until July 15, 2016.

“Workers, large industries, small and medium-sized businesses, labour unions, safety and industry associations and other Albertans all have interests in the WCB system. They bring their own perspectives, wisdom and unique ideas about how the WCB should operate. By working together, our panel can develop recommendations to help ensure a WCB that works for everyone”, said Mia Norrie, chair of the WCB review panel.

An independent three-member panel is conducting the review, examining the WCB’s governance and effectiveness, relevant legislation, the principles of compensation and policies, and the transparency of processes and decision-making.

This review also includes the Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers’ Compensation and the Medical Panel Office. According to Alberta Labour, the last comprehensive review was conducted more than 15 years ago.  


The panel is expected to provide a progress update to government in fall 2016 and a final report in spring 2017.

Feedback can be offered through an online questionnaire or by written submission at alberta.ca/wcb-review.

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