Electrical Business


Western Canadian distributor Bartle & Gibson marks 80th anniversary

August 23, 2024 | By Anthony Capkun

August 22, 2024 – Bartle & Gibson, a western Canadian electrical, plumbing, and heating distributor, is celebrating its 80th anniversary. Congratulations!

In 1944, Charlie Bartle of Victoria and Cecil Gibson of Vancouver each started a store in their respective city, and Bartle & Gibson opened its doors for the first time.

1951 marked the company’s first expansion, with a branch opening in Edmonton. In 1983, electrical products were added to the product mix.

Today, Bartle & Gibson has locations in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, and British Columbia, offering electrical and HVAC solutions.


To celebrate the milestone, Bartle & Gibson created anniversary merchandise, and held customer appreciate events at most of its branches.

“Our success is nothing without our amazing customers, employees, and supplier partners. Bartle & Gibson thanks you all!” says the distributor.

Bartle & Gibson is a member of AD (Affiliated Distributors) Canada.

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