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WE DID IT! Tesla Wardenclyffe laboratory purchased for museum

May 2, 2013 | By Anthony Capkun

May 2, 2013 – Friends of Science East Inc. (dba “doing business as” Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe) announced that it has completed the purchase of the last remaining laboratory of scientist, visionary and inventor Nikola Tesla in Shoreham, N.Y.

“This is a major milestone in our almost two-decade effort to save this historically and scientifically significant site. We have been pursuing this dream with confidence that we would eventually succeed,” said Gene Genova, vice-president of the organization. “We are very excited to be able to finally set foot on the grounds where Tesla walked and worked.”

Known as Wardenclyffe, the 15.69-acre laboratory site is where Tesla planned his wireless communications and energy transmission tower in the early 1900s. He was never able to complete the construction of the tower due to lack of funds. CHECK OUT THE VIDEO BELOW.

At the end of August 2012, Friends of Science East Inc. partnered with online comic Matthew Inman (TheOatmeal.com) to hold an online crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.com in which they were able to raise $1.37 million toward saving the Wardenclyffe site. Over 33,000 people from 108 countries contributed to the success of the campaign, which reached the $1 million mark in just over a week.


“Now begin the next important steps in raising the money needed to restore the historic laboratory,” said Mary Daum, treasurer. “We estimate that we will need to raise about $10 million to create a science learning centre and museum worthy of Tesla and his legacy. We invite everyone who believes in science education and in recognizing Tesla for his many contributions to society to join in helping to make this dream a reality.”

The organization plans several fundraising events in the future. See the website for more information.

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