Electrical Business

Features Energy & Power Generation

Veridyne says you CAN get clean electricity from coal

April 21, 2016 | By Anthony Capkun

April 21, 2016 – Veridyne Power Corp. says clean electricity from coal is, in fact, possible with its new solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs).

“We have developed a critical new technology that exceeds today’s high environmental standards while continuing to leverage existing coal infrastructure,” said Veridyne CEO Peter Hogendoorn.

Crediting developments in ceramic injection moulding and ceramic metal coatings, Veridyne says its tubular-design SOFC produces electricity through an electrochemical process using syn-gas from coal rather than a combustion process; meaning coal-burning facilities will be able to produce the same power while using 50% less fuel and producing zero NO and sulphur dioxide emissions.

“Our fuel cells can also run on natural gas, syn-gas from mixed waste, methane or propane, giving electricity producers great flexibility,” added Hogendoorn. “And, with a capital cost comparable to existing coal-fired technology, our fuel cells are clearly an economic choice for the hundreds of <300MW thermal plants in North America and Europe currently slated for closure.”

Veridyne says it is currently in the process of assembling and testing a prototype 25kW fuel cell that, in turn, will be configured to produce 1.2MW in a 20-ft standard ISO container footprint. It expects the fuel cell to be ready for installation and testing by late 2017.

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