Electrical Business

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Hydro-Quebec selected to provide 9.45 TWh to Massachusetts utilities

January 26, 2018 | By Anthony Capkun

January 25, 2018 – Hydro-Quebec announced Massachusetts utilities have selected the generator’s proposal to supply 9.45-TWh of hydropower.

“We are pleased and proud to have been selected,” said Eric Martel, Hydro-Quebec’s president and CEO. “This is a major milestone in the energy transition underway in the Northeast—one that confirms the high value of Hydro-Quebec’s clean and reliable energy.”

After a competitive solicitation process, the Northern Pass Transmission project was selected to deliver 100% hydropower by the Massachusetts evaluation team. The next steps involve negotiating long-term contracts and obtaining regulatory approvals to ensure the delivery of this power for 20 years.

SEE ALSO Quebec and Ontario sign massive power purchase agreement.

Starting in 2020, Quebec hydropower will service about 1 million Massachusetts customers. Hydro-Quebec says a long-term agreement with Massachusetts would be “its most important contract since it began developing its export markets”, representing a “meaningful source of revenue”.

Hydro-Quebec developed this proposal alongside Eversource Energy. The project involves the construction of a 79-km, 1090-MW transmission line that will be extended into the States, connecting the Des Cantons substation in Val-Joli to the Franklin substation in New Hampshire.

Hydro-Quebec will invest over $680 million for the Quebec portion of the transmission project, and expects to start work on the Quebec-New Hampshire interconnection this Fall.

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