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Legal Desk


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Legal DeskArticlesBusinessFeaturesNewsCareers

December 6, 2022
Indemnity provisions: more trick than treat – Legal Desk, December 2022

Legal DeskArticlesFeaturesUncategorizedCareers

September 20, 2022
What are you working to? – Legal Desk, September 2022

Legal DeskArticlesFeaturesUncategorized

May 26, 2022
Miscommunication… a construction lawyer’s best friend – Legal Desk, May 2022

Legal DeskBusinessNewsArticles

February 24, 2022
Price volatility, inflation, and the false hope of force majeure – Legal Desk, February 2022

Legal DeskUncategorizedArticles

October 22, 2021
Does my contract need to be in writing, and signed? – Legal Desk, October 2021

Legal DeskFeaturesArticles

June 10, 2021
Price volatility, benchmarks, qualifying your bid • Legal Desk, May 2021

Legal DeskFeaturesArticles

February 26, 2021
Demonstrating lost productivity with the measured mile: Legal Desk, February 2021

Legal DeskArticlesFeatures

October 26, 2020
The slow encroachment of performance-based specs – Legal Desk, October 2020

Legal DeskArticlesCOVID-19 UpdatesFeaturesTraining & Education

May 29, 2020
Finding TIME and COST RELIEF in an age of COVID • video

Legal DeskArticlesBusinessFeaturesNewsTraining & Education

May 22, 2020
Legally speaking… Getting ready for the new normal • WEBINAR

Legal DeskFeaturesArticles

April 30, 2020
Proper invoices and subcontractors – Legal Desk, February 2020

Legal DeskArticlesFeatures

February 27, 2020
The dangers of the preliminary subcontract – Legal Desk, October 2019