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Skilled Trades Ontario launches awards for apprentices and certification champions

August 28, 2024 | By Anthony Capkun

August 28, 2024 – Skilled Trades Ontario—the agency responsible for apprenticeship and skilled trades certification in Ontario—has launched an awards program to recognize both outstanding apprentices and trades certification champions.

Outstanding Apprenticeship Award

This award will recognize one outstanding apprentice who has gone above and beyond the norm in their dedication to their trade and their apprenticeship.

Eligible nominees must:


• be a registered apprentice with the Province of Ontario.
• have completed Level 1 in their trade.
• be nominated by two (2) references.

The nominee will have distinguished themselves through one or more of the following:

• positive attitude
• superior attendance record
• leadership in the workforce
• excellence in their trade and workplace safety

CLICK HERE for more information and to submit your nomination for the Outstanding Apprenticeship Award.


Award of Excellence

The Award of Excellence will recognize contributions that encourage and support trade certification among apprentices.

The nominee must:

• be employed in a position directly related to one or more of the skilled trades in Ontario.
• be nominated by two (2) references.


The nominee will have distinguished themselves during their career through one or more of the following:

• Promotes the value of apprenticeship and certification within the skilled trades and is a strong, vocal advocate for the trades.
• Participates in activities that encourages, motivates, and promotes safety, dedication, and passion within the workplace.
• Demonstrates qualities of outstanding leadership in safety, skill expertise, team building and collaboration.
• Serves as a mentor and/or role model for success for young skilled tradespersons.

CLICK HERE for more information and to submit your nomination for the Award of Excellence.

Nominations are being accepted for both awards until September 30.

Award recipients will be announced at the Ontario Apprenticeship Summit on November 6, 2024, at the Toronto Congress Centre.

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