Electrical Business


Siemon reveals its 2009 solar power generation

January 21, 2010 | By Anthony Capkun

21 January 2010

Siemon, a manufacturer of IT network cabling and infrastructure systems, says its recently installed solar power system generated over 216,000 kWh of energy in 2009.


Deployed as part of the company’s ongoing environmental stewardship
initiative, the 15,600-sf solar power system at Siemon’s headquarters
and North American manufacturing campus has reduced the operation’s
dependence on non-renewable energy sources.


Real-time power generation figures from Siemon’s solar array and environmental benefit equivalencies can be viewed online HERE .

The solar power system joins other sustainability efforts at Siemon,
including a waste management program that recently helped the company
achieve Zero-Landfill status. Siemon recycles or repurposes over 900
tons of waste instead of sending it to landfill, says the company.

CLICK HERE for more on Siemon’s environmental initiatives

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