Electrical Business

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Say Hello to Technical Safety BC, formerly BC Safety Authority

September 20, 2017 | By Anthony Capkun

September 20, 2017 – “Our new identity will help distinguish us from other regulators as we continue to build awareness, understanding and ownership of safety responsibilities among our clients and stakeholders,” said Catherine Roome, president & CEO of Technical Safety BC, formerly BC Safety Authority.

The identity change comes “following extensive consultation with clients and industry stakeholders,” says the agency, which delivers safety services across the following technologies:

• Electrical equipment and systems
• Boilers, pressure vessels and refrigeration systems
• Natural gas and propane appliances and systems, including hydrogen
• Elevating devices, such as elevators and escalators
• Railways, including commuter rail
• Passenger ropeways, such as aerial trams and ski lifts
• Amusement devices
• Complex and integrated technical systems involving several technologies

Technical Safety BC lists its products and services as:

• Assessing technical work and equipment, including collecting information through physical assessment, incident investigation and registering new equipment and designs.
• Certifying individuals and licensing contractors and operators to perform regulated work.
• Supporting clients in the development of alternative safety approaches, and auditing their safety management plans or equivalent standard approaches.
• Educating and sharing technical systems safety information with its clients and the broader public to better control risks.
• Enforcing actions that promote an equitable safety system where all participants are compliant with regulations.
• Conducting research, including contributing to provincial and national safety code development and updating regulations for the technologies it serves.

“Our new identity and name reflect the changes we are making to be more connected, clear and innovative in order to better serve our clients and advance technical safety in BC,” added Roome. “Safety of technical systems is a shared responsibility, and our new identity will enable us to better connect with partners and achieve our vision of Safe technical systems. Everywhere.”

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