Electrical Business


Results of 3rd annual ORCGA Locate Rodeo

August 22, 2010 | By Anthony Capkun

The results are in from the third annual Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA) Locate Rodeo, which were held in June. Organized by ORCGA, the Locate Rodeo is open to locate technicians throughout the province. Up to 40 technicians could compete to display their skills in locating.

“It was a challenging day in some wet weather with locators being tested
to their limit,” said Dean Stone, national sales manager for
Radiodetection Canada, a gold sponsor of the event.

Competitions were held for technicians in gas, power, telecom and water
categories. Competitors compete in one category of their choice. Their
skills are put to the test at two different sites, and the scores from
both events are used to determine the winner. Each locator is allowed 12
minutes per event site.

A bonus event, the Locate from Hell (LFH), was open to all registered
competitors. The Locate from Hell is just one site, and competitors have
just three minutes to complete the locate. The division is judged on
accuracy, but time is of the utmost importance (as it is very easy for a
competitor to “time out” on the event).


2010 Locate Rodeo Winners
Telecom Division

FIRST: Adam Irving, Promark-Telecon

SECOND: Mike Prezioso, QX Locates

THIRD: Rob Elkerton, G-Tel

Power Division
FIRST: Bo Kostashuk, Hydro One
SECOND: Jason McFadden, Grafscan
THIRD: Jamie Steenbergen, G-Tel

Locate From Hell
FIRST: Adam Irving, Promark-Telecon
SECOND: Brian Petrie, Terra Discovery
THIRD: Kevin Strange, Canadian Locators

Photo courtesy Radiodetection.

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