Electrical Business


Red Seal Program wants to hear from you!

June 24, 2011 | By Anthony Capkun

June 23, 2011 – EBMag has learned that the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA)—the body that oversees Canada’s Red Seal Program for skilled trades—wants your input, but you have until June 30th to do so!


For over 50 years, the Red Seal Program has established pan-Canadian, industry defined standards for the skilled trades. Currently, 52 skilled trades in Canada are designated under the Red Seal Program. These standards provide greater mobility for skilled trades workers across Canada and internationally, and serve as a recognition of excellence. The Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA) is the body that oversees the Red Seal Program to ensure, among other things, the program remains industry-driven.

The CCDA is engaged in on-going consulting with stakeholders on specific ways to strengthen the Red Seal Program. Over the past year, the CCDA has heard from a significant number of key stakeholders. We believe there is value to industry by now reaching out in a more comprehensive way through the accessibility of an online survey. A survey book will provide you with a crisp overview of the issues and opportunities the CCDA is exploring related to assessment and what we have heard from others so far.


Your answers to the questions will help the CCDA ensure that its work moving forward reflects the needs and priorities of industry. It will take only about 5 to 10 minutes to complete this survey. Thank you in advance for your input.

Please click on the link below. Feel free to forward this email and link to your colleagues.


The survey will be live until June 30th, 2011

For more information on the Red Seal Program, please visit www.red-seal.ca


Kevin Evans, Chair CCDA”

(Thanks to the folks at Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta [ECAA] for sending this along!)

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