Electrical Business

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Poll shows Canadians support energy-from-waste technologies

November 23, 2014 | By Anthony Capkun

November 23, 2014 – The Canadian energy-from-waste (EFW) market has grown from just four operating plants in 2006 to 12 facilities in an advanced stages of approval or construction by summer 2014, says the Canadian Resource Recovery Council… but what do Canadians think of EFW technologies?

According to the council, a poll undertaken by Nielsen in Spring 2014 shows 2/3 of Canadians hold a favourable opinion of EFW technologies. Gasification received the most positive support at 60%, followed by feedstock recycling and solid recovery fuel. Mass burn combustion achieved 50% support.

EFW was seen in a favourable light by 69% of Canadians, while natural gas trailed at 59%, oil at 37%, nuclear at 34% and coal at just 19%. Only solar (90%) and wind (75%) ranked higher.

When it comes to feedstock, 90% of Canadians prefer that non-recyclable plastics go to an EFW facility rather than landfill. Treating non-recyclable plastics in an EFW plant has solid support in all age groups, ranging from 86% among the 65+ set to 94% among those aged 55-64. Meantime, 89% of those aged 18-34 see EFW as a preferred option. Finally, 63% of respondents indicated they would support the use of EFW in their immediate community.

Counted among the Canadian Resource Recovery Council’s members is the Power Workers’ Union, which represents more than 15,000 people working in generation, transmission, distribution, system operations and electrical safety throughout Ontario.

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