Electrical Business

Business News

OPA needs you to develop renewable energy competitive procurement process

August 2, 2013 | By Anthony Capkun

August 1, 2013 – The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) is commencing the development of a new competitive procurement process for large renewable energy projects by “engaging with stakeholders, municipalities and Aboriginal communities” as outlined below.

This is the beginning of the discussion about the new competitive procurement process, says OPA, which will be providing the minister of energy with interim recommendations by September 1, 2013. It is expected that additional engagement activities will occur this fall.

OPA will be hosting a webinar to discuss the development of the new procurement process:

August 7, 2013 at 1400 • (866) 212-9078


For this session, OPA will be taking both phone and web questions.

A series of meetings will be held the week of August 12, 2013, to further the discussion on the development of the procurement process. Invitations for these meetings will be issued shortly.

Meantime, written submissions on the development of the new procurement process will be accepted until August 21, 2013. Submissions should be sent to lrp@powerauthority.on.ca with the Subject line “Feedback on the Large Renewable Competitive Procurement Process”.

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