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Ontario boasts “the largest battery storage procurement in Canada’s history”

May 22, 2024 | By Anthony Capkun

May 22, 2024 – Ontario’s Ministry of Energy reports the province and the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) have concluded “the largest battery storage procurement in Canada’s history”, securing a total of 2195 MW of capacity.

This capacity includes 1784 MW of energy storage from 10 projects, ranging in size from 9 MW to 390 MW. When combined with the previous procurement and the Oneida Battery Storage Facility, Ontario’s entire storage fleet will consist of 26 facilities with a total capacity of 2916 MW.

(The largest single storage facility procured in Canada will be the 390 MW Skyview 2 Battery Energy Storage System in the Township of Edwardsburgh Cardinal, according to the ministry.)

The latest procurement also secured 411 MW of natural gas and on-farm biogas generation to act “as an insurance policy” on the hottest and coldest days of the year.


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