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NGen offers $100M for advanced manufacturing projects in cleantech

March 20, 2024 | By Anthony Capkun

March 20, 2024 – Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen) launched a call for proposals for its Sustainable Manufacturing Challenge, which seeks projects that support Canada’s path to net-zero GHG emissions, targeting challenges like emissions reduction.

“Advanced manufacturing offers many of the solutions necessary to achieve Canada’s emissions-reduction goals,” said Jayson Myers, CEO. “NGen is looking to combine our tremendous strengths in cleantech, automation, advanced materials and smart digital technologies to develop solutions for sustainable manufacturing that will benefit Canada and the world.”

NGen will invest up to $35 million of Global Innovation Cluster funding, and will further raise more than $65 million from industry to launch $100 million in new collaborative projects.

Project proposals could include solutions such as:


• Reduction of energy usage and natural resource consumption
• Operational efficiency gains
• Waste reduction, use of recycled and sustainable materials
• Full life cycle product management and closed-loop manufacturing
• Circular manufacturing of materials

“Projects must be collaborative and transformative, promising to push the boundaries of advanced manufacturing technology and world-class cleantech,” NGen advises.

Focus areas should include:

• Low-carbon fuel, feedstock, energy (applied to manufacturing)
• Implementation of net-zero facilities
• Solutions for high heat generation (applied to manufacturing).
• Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (applied to manufacturing)
• Tracking and managing GHG emissions across the supply chain
• Smart manufacturing for efficiency gains and GHG reductions
• Greener/circular/sustainable materials

Ultimately, these projects should accelerate the application of Canadian cleantech and other advanced technologies to improve the environmental sustainability of Canadian manufacturing.


VISIT NGEN for more information about key dates and deadlines, eligibility criteria, and program scope.

Questions? Email at smc@ngen.ca.

NGen is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization that supports the development of “world-leading advanced manufacturing capabilities in Canada”. It is one of five national networks supported by Canada’s Global Innovation Clusters Initiative.

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