Electrical Business


Need help VOTING in 2011 Federal election?

March 28, 2011 | By Anthony Capkun

March 28, 2011

Not sure which federal party thinks like you? Need help voting in the 2011 Federal election? Here’s a neat little tool we came across that should help you sort things out… The Vote Compass!

Vote Compass is a free educational tool developed by political
scientists. It asks you for your opinion on a number of political issues
and then shows you how your views compare with the platforms put
forward by each of the political parties.

It only takes a few minutes to complete and no information is collected that can ever be used to personally identify you.


Vote Compass can also tell you which parties are running a candidate in
your constituency. If you don’t know the name of your constituency, you
can enter your postal code to have Vote Compass determine it for you.

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