Electrical Business

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NAILD says it has re-energized its brand by improving value proposition

January 8, 2015 | By Anthony Capkun

January 9, 2015 – The National Association of Independent Lighting Distributors (NAILD) says it has “re-energized its brand by improving its value proposition to members and the industry”.

“It’s imperative for our organization to stay current with the times while providing more educational, networking and technological opportunities to our members,” said Kevin Eagan, NAILD president and co-owner of Northwest Lighting Systems.

NAILD points to the following as part of its improved value proposition:

• A redesigned website
• A new logo
• Updated educational offering (NAILD’s LS I training program received a full overhaul to include LED training)
• Expanded social media presence
• Public relations campaign
• Upgrade of print and digital marketing strategy
• Emphasis on membership recruitment and events

Founded in 1977, NAILD is a non-profit trade association made up of specialty lighting distributors and vendor/manufacturers of lighting goods and supplies used in the operation of specialized lighting distributors.

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