Electrical Business


Milwaukee Tool Canada celebrates 100 years of growth… with more growth!

May 22, 2024 | By Anthony Capkun

From left: Yvonne Chan, director, Brand Marketing and Craig Baxter, group president, TTI Canada, planting a tree to commemorate Milwaukee’s centennial anniversary.

May 22, 2024 – Milwaukee Tool Canada—a subsidiary of Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd. (TTI)—recently partnered with Tree Canada to plant 100 trees in commemoration of its 100th anniversary.

“I am incredibly proud to commemorate our 100th year by planting 100 trees,” said Craig Baxter, group president, TTI Canada. “We are thrilled to be planting a tree on behalf of every year we have been in business, and it serves as a reminder of our steadfast commitment to the environment, as well as what we can accomplish when we work as one team.”

Milwaukee Tool Canada group photo during tree-planting event. Source: Milwaukee.

Planting native, non-invasive species at Cedar Grove Park (Markham, Ont.) will provide essential habitat for wildlife, birds, mammals, and pollinating insects. The event reiterates the company’s “commitment to its sustainability stewardship—not only with its manufacturing capabilities but also with the environment”.


“It’s been an honour to lead a talented team of colleagues, and we would like to thank our team of partners, customers and colleagues for their support in helping us achieve 100 years of business,” Baxter added.

Tree Canada’s Partners in Planting program offers organizations a team-building opportunity while fostering good corporate citizenship. It secures trees, a planting site and handles all the logistics, allowing company teams to enjoy the event while doing something positive for their community.

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