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Lack of “stable funding model” dooms ESFi-Canada

December 22, 2014 | By Anthony Capkun

December 22, 2014 – In a letter sent over the weekend, ESFI-Canada’s interim chair, Gavan Howe, announced that its “members have voted unanimously to dissolve the organization as of December 31, 2014”.

Introduced in 2011 with the purpose of becoming a national electrical safety advocacy organization focused on reducing electrical-related deaths, injuries and property loss, Howe explains Electrical Safety Foundation Int’l-Canada has “not been able to secure a stable funding model to sustain our national electrical safety organization”.

“On behalf of ESFI-Canada members, I would like to encourage stakeholder organizations to continue to work to address high-risk gaps to advance public electrical safety for Canadians to advance our shared electrical safety objectives,” said Howe.

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