Electrical Business

Business News

It’s decided: BC’s technologists & technicians can tackle some electrical work

October 30, 2013 | By Anthony Capkun

October 30, 2013 – BC Safety Authority (BCSA) says the association for Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC’s (ASTTBC’s) Electrical Work Practitioner (EWP) training program has received final recognition, meaning ASTTBC technologists and technicians will be eligible to apply for a BCSA credential to perform a restricted scope of electrical work within specialized fields.

Specifically, BCSA says the Provincial Safety Manager has reviewed the materials submitted by ASTTBC regarding its Electrical Work Practitioner (EWP) training program, and determined that the programs for EL1 and EL2 certification meet all conditions imposed by BCSA.

“The ability to recognize and identify technologists and technicians who are authorized to perform this limited scope of work enables uniform monitoring and enforcement of regulatory requirements for performance of electrical work under the Safety Standards Act,” said Ulrich Janisch, provincial safety manager, Electrical.

In authorizing this program, the provincial safety manager has stated that individuals who obtain a BCSA credential under a recognized training program will not be granted broad certification as electrical workers, says the authority, and will not be a replacement for electrical workers who have obtained credentials issued under existing training programs, such as the electrical Red Seal program.


ASTTBC-trained workers will only be granted permission to perform tasks involving electrical work being performed under a permit and under the supervision of a field safety representative, and only where the work is within the scope of specialized training for technologists and technicians. Employers will still be required to utilize qualified electrical workers where the work requires the broad scope of training and experience gained by qualified electrical workers.

Under the terms and conditions for approval, ASTTBC will be required to continue consulting with industry stakeholders to identify opportunities for continued program enhancement, says BCSA. ASTTBC will also be required to conduct education programs for employers of technologists and technicians to promote improved understanding on the scope and restrictions for performance of electrical work by technologists and technicians.

ASTTBC members completing the ASTTBC’s EWP training program will be required to apply for and obtain permission from BCSA before they will be authorized to perform electrical work in accordance with Electrical Safety Regulation, Section 4(1)(b). BCSA will recognize proof of completing the ASTTBC training program to qualify for permission. To further address industry’s concerns about safety, BCSA will set terms and conditions on the work that may be performed.

Development of BCSA’s application and credentialing processes is under way, and expected to be completed early 2014. BCSA will make an announcement as to when ASTTBC technologists and technicians will be able to begin applying for the new, limited scope BCSA credential.

For more information on this story, check out our earlier post HERE.

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