Electrical Business


Interoperability the Linchpin of smart grid success

February 22, 2010 | By Anthony Capkun

mt_ignoreStrategy Institute announced the first of what it hopes will be an annual “Smart Grid Interoperability Summit”, taking place June 15-16 in Toronto, Ont., and EBMag is proud to serve as an Official Media Partner.

The is the only interoperability-focused smart grid event in Canada, and
will bring together an international colloquium of government leaders,
regulators, standards associations, utilities executives and other
industry stakeholders to create an action-based blueprint for
cross-border interoperability success.


Featured speakers include prominent regulatory and manufacturing
associations from across North America; leading utilities on the
interoperability front from across the globe;
government leaders and many others including:

• Lisa Dignard-Bailey, Ph.D., Director, Integration of Renewable and
Distributed Energy Resources Program, Natural Resources Canada;
• Ken Quesnelle, Board Member, Ontario Energy Board.
• John OʼNeil, Project Manager, Canadian Standards Association.
• Richard Bertolo, Project Director, Distribution Business Development,
Hydro One Networks Inc.
• Norm Fraser, Chief Operating Officer, Hydro Ottawa.
• Eric Mewhinney, Manager of Innovation and Sustainability, Smart Grid
Development Program, BC Hydro.
• Rafael Yanez Hoyos, President, CANENA (Mexico).

Exclusive to this summit, Paul Molitor, Director of Smart Grid, National
Electrical Manufacturers Association
(NEMA) will be moderating a North
American cross-border power-panel bringing together the USA, Mexico and
Canada to dialogue about the future of interoperability.

“NEMA is honoured to be part of this important, international event,”
said Molitor. “This gives us the perfect opportunity to collaborate with
our Canadian colleagues and ensure that together we develop smart grid
technologies that integrate seamlessly throughout the Americas and the

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