Electrical Business


Hunt Dimming celebrates its golden anniversary

January 14, 2010 | By

Hunt Dimming is celebrating its fiftieth year as a lighting-control manufacturer and technology development company.    

Hunt Dimming says the past 50 years have been extraordinary. The
invention of the transistor in 1956, which the company says launched
the dawn of the modern-day electronics age and earned its inventors the
Nobel Prize for physics, would have a far-reaching impact on lighting
control. Four years later, in 1960, the Hunt brothers of Dallas, Texas
invested in the transistor’s application to lighting. This resulted in
what they claim is the first commercialization of dimming.

Demand for dimming has evolved over the past 50 years, and Hunt Dimming
says the company has evolved with it, constantly innovating to stay
ahead of much larger competition as a preferred brand with a strong
emphasis on service. When the company first opened its doors for
business in 1960, dimming was primarily used to control incandescent
lamps for aesthetic purposes. In 1985, the company launched its
Simplicity brand to support dimming of larger lighting systems for
energy management and/or visual needs. Most recently, Hunt Dimming
unveiled its Simplicity LED Controller for use with LED drivers and
sources, considered by the company to be the next step in the evolution
of lighting.    

“I am honored to be a part of lighting’s history that is Hunt Dimming,”
noted  A. J. Glaser, president of Hunt Dimming. “From its founding of
the modern lighting controls industry, Hunt has been focused on the
principles of innovation and customer service. While this seems simple
in theory, for many, it is elusive in practice. I am proud of how all
of the people associated with Hunt Dimming over its many years have
contributed to its success, including both our employees and sales
representatives, all of whom have helped us to remain positioned to
serve the industry for the next 50 years.”


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