Electrical Business


GE publishes Apples to Oranges to guide LED purchases

April 13, 2010 | By Anthony Capkun

GE Lighting Solutions says it is addressing the issues of LED quality and reliability by pushing for a universal set of performance standards. Much of its work with NEMA, the Department of Energy (DoE)/Energy Star, ANSI, Intertek and IESNA, says the company, centres on the development of measurement, efficiency and performance guidelines that clarify LED standards.

To help customers navigate the world of LED lighting, GE Lighting
Solutions has developed and published a list of 10 questions that
decision-makers should ask before committing to buy products and
services from any LED lighting systems provider, such as:

• Is your company registered as a DoE Quality Advocate? And have you
taken the Quality Pledge for solid state lighting (SSL) products?
• Whose LEDs do you use in your products? Have your products gone
through an intellectual property (IP) clearance?
• What is the LED manufacturer’s LED performance rating, and what is the
rating of your LED system or final product?
• What precautions do you take to ensure the LED selected for your
product will meet the performance requirements for which it is rated?
Can you share your data showing the LED selection/testing process?
• Does your product use LEDs that have been LM80 tested to demonstrate
L70 life after 6000 hours of test? If yes, can you share your LM80 data
and life model that was used to demonstrate the L70 life?

“Given the scale of the LED projects we’re seeing, we know what’s on the
line with every LED purchase decision,” said Steven J. Briggs,
vice-president of marketing and product management for GE Lighting
Solutions. “You’ve got to get it right. There’s simply not a whole lot
of grey area.”

CLICK HERE for the full list and rationale for each question.

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