Electrical Business

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FREE electrical code update training for Fort Mac evacuees

May 16, 2016 | By Anthony Capkun

Photo courtesy Magna IV Engineering

May 16, 2016 – Later this month, May 27, 2016, Magna IV Engineering and the Alberta Electrical League are offering Canadian Electrical Code Update Training free to Fort McMurray Master Electricians and safety codes officers displaced by wildfires.

Training had been initially planned for Fort Mac, but was later cancelled, given the wildfires situation. Because many evacuees have found their way to Edmonton, Magna IV and AEL say they see this as to continue with the electrical training planned for Fort Mac, with the exception of holding it in Edmonton, and making it free for the evacuees.

“Our hope is that evacuated electrical professionals might benefit from free training. If it provides a distraction or sense of normalcy in a difficult time, all the better,” said instructor David Mansfield of Magna IV Engineering.

On May 27, 2016, Master Electricians and Safety Codes Officers of Fort Mac are invited to attend the Edmonton Office at 1103 Parsons Road SW. Tuition, course materials and lunch are provided. Code books are available at a discount. Register online and show your government-issued Fort McMurray ID upon arrival.


SEE ALSO AEL offers CE Code 2015 training; partners with Magna IV.

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