Electrical Business

Business News

Contractor & Master 5-Year Ontario licences commencing this July

March 30, 2016 | By Anthony Capkun

March 30, 2016 – Effective July 1, 2016, Ontario’s Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) is implementing 5-Year licences for Licensed Electrical Contractors (LECs) and Master Electricians (MEs), meaning you provide documentation to ESA once every five years BUT continue to pay annually.

In each of the other four years, LECs/MEs will self-declare their documentation is valid, as well as pay the annual renewal fee.

Renewing your LEC licence
Each year, LECs must submit:

• ESA Declaration of Compliance Form confirming they are compliant with the requirements to hold an LEC licence
• Pay the annual licence fee

Every 5 years, LECs must submit:

• ESA Renewal Form
• Certificate of Qualifications
• Proof of Liability Insurance (certificate)
• WSIB clearance (when applicable)
• Annual licence fee

Renewing your ME licence
Each year, MEs must submit:

• ESA Declaration of Compliance Form confirming they are compliant with the requirements to hold an ME licence
• Annual licence fee

Every 5 years, MEs must submit:

• ESA Renewal Form
• Valid professional designation – C of Q
• Passport-quality photo
• Annual licence fee

Remember: licensing fees are billed annually.

Random audits
Of course, all licensees are subject to a random audit at some point in the 5-year renewal cycle. Audits may also be conducted when ESA receives a complaint that a licence-holder is failing to meet licence requirements or does not have appropriate documentation.

If you have already been issued renewal forms for a licence expiring up to July 1, 2016, you can use those forms. Remit payment for only one year.

ESA will send further instruction with the relevant forms that are sent prior to your licence expiry date.

Questions? Contact ESA.Licensing@electricalsafety.on.ca or call 877-372-7233 Option #3. You can also download the FAQ below.

* Thanks ECAO for the reminder! — Ed.

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