Electrical Business


Call for presentations–2012 IEEE IAS Electrical Safety, Technical and Mega Projects Workshop

March 1, 2011 | By Alyssa Dalton

March 1, 2011

The IEEE Industry Applications Society is accepting proposals for presentation at the upcoming Electrical Safety, Technical and Mega Projects Workshop to be held March 19-21, 2012 in Edmonton, Alta. As stated by IEEE, the Workshop provides a forum for exchanging and advancing industry knowledge in the areas of electrical safety, engineering design, system reliability and the implementation and execution of Mega Projects.

The Workshop focus will be to share innovative concepts, successes as well as lessons learned in the areas of: 1) advancing state of the art knowledge and best practices, 2) stimulating innovation in creating the next generation of technology and 3) design and implementation of Mega Projects.

Below are key dates for presentation submissions:
• Notice of intent to present – July 30, 2011
• Abstract of presentation – September 15, 2011
• Notification of acceptance – October 1, 2011
• Draft presentation – December 1, 2011
• Final presentation print and CD ready – February 1, 2012


Note: an option exists to write a paper associated with your presentation that will be stored in IEEE Explore and possibly future IEEE IAS publications for those interested.

Abstracts should be kept to 200 words or less. Please also include:
• Title of tutorial    
• Abstract
• Suggested tutorial lead instructor, and name, title, company, full street address, telephone and e-mail address.

Tutorial Proposal
The workshop committee will consider conducting a tutorial on a subject consistent with the mission of the ESTMP conference. This tutorial would be intended to provide workshop attendees with an opportunity to expand their knowledge on the subjects of Safety, Technical, and Mega Projects. Any individual, group or company that is interested in presenting a tutorial is encouraged to fill out the form below and submit it to the ESTMP Technical Subcommittee by July 30, 2011.  Tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the ESTMP committee with final selection and notification of authors by no later than October 1, 2011.

Panel Discussions
In addition to the above presentations, three panel discussions are planned as part of the workshop related to the following proposed topic areas:
• CSA Z462 and IEEE 1584: Misapplication and misunderstanding
• Owner’s Perspective and Project Challenges
• Consulting World Challenges and Opportunities

Suggestions for other topics are welcome.

For more information on presentations, panel discussions or to submit proposals, contact technical committee chair, Richard Loiselle at RLoiselle@Suncor.com, (403) 296-5354.

There are opportunities to sponsor such items as breakfasts, coffee breaks, lunch, presenters gifts, audio visual aids, printing of the workshop material, CDs, hospitality suites, social events, etc. as well as participate in the exhibition. For further information, contact sponsorship chair, Bert Neish at Robert.Neish@Shell.com, (403) 510-6068
Exhibitions are held on Monday and Tuesday afternoons following the technical sessions. Vendors and suppliers are invited to showcase their products and services.  For further information, contact exhibition chair, Ken Martin at KMartin@Brodwell.com, (403) 689-7601.

CLICK BACK HERE regularly for more details.

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