Electrical Business

Features Blog

Are you earning enough as an electrical contractor?

June 10, 2019 | By Peter Saunders

Photo courtesy Focal Point

June 10, 2019 – When you work in the electrical business, you may wonder if you are charging enough for your services, compared to your counterparts across the rest of the country. That’s why Electrical Business has launched a new, unique survey of our readers.

For what we believe is the first time in Canada’s electrical industry, we are endeavouring to learn about and compare salaries and charge-out rates across the nation, including those for commercial, industrial, residential and high-voltage construction and service. We also want to hear about your financial successes and frustrations.

At the same time, we are highly sensitive to your privacy. While your responses will be highly valuable in clarifying the state of the industry, they will be kept entirely anonymous. We are conducting this survey for the big picture, not for your personal details.

And to help encourage your participation, we are running a draw for a $500 VISA gift card. Everyone who takes part in the survey can enter. (This is the only place where we’ll need your contact details, so we can send the prize to the lucky winner. But with privacy in mind, we will not even tell anyone else if you win, unless you would like them to know!)

By now, you should have received an email with a link to the survey, but if not, please click here today to spend an estimated three minutes of your time filling it out. The deadline is July 8. And then keep an eye out for our August issue, where we will be publishing the data from this exciting new project!

Thanks in advance for your help! We really appreciate it.

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