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Apprenticeship Survival Guide: Insights from Bradley Watt

July 16, 2024 | By Tony Kovac

July 16, 2024 – Whether it goes well or poorly, taking on an apprentice in your electrical contracting business is a big commitment. What can you do to (hopefully) achieve a positive outcome, for both yourself and the apprentice?

In the June 2024 edition of Electrical Business Magazine, we asked a variety of industry professionals “What advice would you give to an electrical contractor when taking on an apprentice?”. They happily shared their advice and experiences with us which, collectively, make up our Apprenticeship Survival Guide.

Here is what Bradley Watt had to share…

WHEN MENTORING and teaching apprentices, I have found that the sooner I start treating them as my equals, the sooner they become open to following the directions and lessons offered.

Treat the apprentice as a journeyperson, not an apprentice. In other words, treat them with the respect and trust of the position that they are working toward. Far too often, contractors and journeypersons want the apprentice to trust them without setting the stage for mutual trust.

Simply put, if the contractor and journeypersons want highly motivated, respected, well-learned, trusted new journeypersons on staff, then teach and mentor the to become exactly that. Don’t teach them to be apprentices.

You’ll find all Back Issues of Electrical Business Magazine in our Digital Archive.

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