Electrical Business


Alberta Electrical League Fall EcoConferences in great shape

October 30, 2012 | By Anthony Capkun

October 30, 2012 – The Alberta Electrical League (AEL) and its executive director, Tara Ternes, invites everyone to attend one of two EcoConferences being held November 21 and 22 in Calgary and Edmonton, respectively. Check out some of these sessions:

CALGARY, November 21

• “The Lighting parts of LEED”, Joseph M. (Jody) Good III, AP Spectrum Engineers Inc.
• “Oilfield Pumpjack Control Generates ‘Renewable’ Power”, Ron Henderson, Regulatory Affairs CCW Inc.
• “No Alternative to Efficiency for the Built Environment”, John Hodson, Power Systems Asset Management Solutions.
• “Solar Energy That Works in Western Canada. Are We Already at Retail Grid Parity?”, David Kelly, P.Eng, Skyfire Energy Inc.
• “Wind Integration in Alberta: Extending Learnings to New Technologies”, Jacques Duchesne, Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO).

EDMONTON, November 22


• “Oilfield Pumpjack Control Generates ‘Renewable’ Power”, Ron Henderson, Regulatory Affairs CCW Inc.
• “The Real World of LEDs”, Norman Henze, Philips Lighting.
• “No Alternative to Efficiency for the Built Environment”, Dan Cloutier, Ecosystems Inc.
• “Electricity from the Sun… from Dreamer’s Paradise to Everyday Use”, Gordon Howell, Howell Mayhew Eng.
• “Geothermal Heating & Cooling: The Viability of Geothermal Technology in Alberta”, Jacob Komar, Revolve Engineering Inc.


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