Electrical Business

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$14-million modernization package coming to Siemens’ Drummondville facility

June 18, 2024 | By Anthony Capkun

From left: Marie-Anne Lambert, Drummond Économique; Faisal Kazi, CEO, Siemens Canada; Denis St-Yves, plant manager, Siemens Canada; Stéphanie Lacoste, Mayor of Drummondville; Matthias Rebellius, managing board member, Siemens AG; Tim Gibson, vice-president, Electrical Products, Siemens Canada. (Larger photo below)

June 18, 2024 – Siemens Canada is investing about $14 million to modernize its 10,400-sq. m manufacturing facility in Drummondville, Que., which has been making electrical products for the Canadian market for over 50 years.

The multi-phased modernization project will position the factory and its roughly 350 employees for continued success, says Siemens, and could result in an increase of up to 15% in jobs by 2027.

“Siemens is excited to be investing in Canada, contributing to skilled job creation and the growth of digital manufacturing in Quebec,” said Faisal Kazi, president and CEO, Siemens Canada. “This transformation will allow us to scale and pivot to serve a growing market, ensuring we can continue to supply the Canadian market with high-quality products.”

Plans include optimizing the plant’s overall efficiency and capacity, and expanding production of made-to-order product lines in response to market demands. Switchboard production, for example, will see a 50% volume increase.


Along with expanded production of made-to-order switchboards, power panels and panelboards, the plan also includes improved manufacturing processes, including increased automation and a revised layout of shop floor machinery to improve material flow.

“[This] project represents a strong step in supporting our valued Canadian distribution ecosystem, made up of 40 partners and 330 branches, to better serve the market through their channels,” said Barry Powell, business head, Siemens Electrical Products, North America.


All phases of the modernization and expansion project are expected to be completed in 2027.

From left: Marie-Anne Lambert, Drummond Économique; Faisal Kazi, CEO, Siemens Canada; Denis St-Yves, plant manager, Siemens Canada; Stéphanie Lacoste, Mayor of Drummondville; Matthias Rebellius, managing board member, Siemens AG; Tim Gibson, vice-president, Electrical Products, Siemens Canada.

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